Precious Last Couple of Weeks Or So At The Village... Hikin' All Around! Oct 28th to Nov 15th

As autumn comes to its close and begins to roll into winter, an intense chill descends...especially in the early mornings. I jump out of bed, get the fire in the wood stove going, then immediately clamber back into bed for another half hour or so! The transition hasn't been gradual...rather, fairly sudden. The fact that I brought so many summery clothes and very few winter clothes is absurd...but then, it was quite warm when I first came in early October! Though not SO very long ago, those lovely warm days now seem like many moons ago... and I wistfully put away the light clothes. After all, this nomad has been following "summer" around the globe for the past year! Now, no more... and I have yet to truly adjust, physically and psychologically!

On the VERY bright side, though, I continue to enjoy my time with good friends here in the Village, as well as the plethora of hiking opportunities. Below, you see the photos from 3 such adventures: The first two were with my good friend Chris, and the last one with a couple who are dear friends: Krishna and Paalaka (spiritual names). I am SO grateful to them for taking me on the excursions we have done... both for the good company as well as seeing different scenery. Since I am here without a car, I am not able to explore much on my own...except around the immediate vicinity of the Village. 

It has been SUCH a wonderful time overall... and I continue my endeavors to find a way to return to live here long-term! 

MALAKOFF DIGGINS: Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park is a state park unit preserving the largest hydraulic mining site in California, United States. The mine was one of several hydraulic mining sites at the center of the 1882 landmark case Woodruff v. North Bloomfield Mining and Gravel Company. The park is now visited not only for its historic significance, but also for its wonderful abundance of hiking trails. Some are in the old mining areas; others are steep grades going down to the Yuba river. 

It is ironic that the devastation of the land by the miners has actually created what is now a lovely landscape of the cliffs you see here. Because so much of the rock was blasted away in the greedy quest for gold, the lovely striations of the various minerals in it can now be seen. It really IS a favorite destination for good hiking near the Ananda Village! 


Malakoff Diggins has some nice walkways such as this one... there is even a whole wheelchair-friendly section of the trail. 

In the center of the historic town itself: enjoying trees with the last of the gorgeous fall colors...

EMPIRE MINE: Empire Mine State Historic Park is the site of one of the oldest, deepest, and richest gold mines in California. The park is in Grass Valley, the foothills of the SIerra Mountains. In operation for more than 100 years, the mine extracted 5.8 million ounces of gold before it closed in 1956. Visitors can see many pieces of old equipment used in the mining process, as well as many of the old buildings. It also boasts of fabulous, natural hiking and horseback riding trails through the forested areas, covering many acres of land. 

(I don't have photos of the hiking parts... pretty but not SO very interesting or picturesque...)

Who--and HOW--did they ever come up with a name like that?!?! Apparently, this part of the Auburn recreational area (officially a California State Park) was named after river rapids by the same name. My friends Krisha and Paalaka--who brought me here to hike --had no clue where the name came from, either... just TOO whacky! The 10 mile hike we did took us down to--and along--the lovely Yuba river. We experienced some very serious elevation loss and gain... it was a great workout, with many scenes of the river and rock that you see below. Though it started out quite cold, the day warmed up and made for perfect hiking weather. I am SO grateful to my friends for this wonderful day!



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